Perfect Money Account Types

what is Perfect Money Account Types ?

2023-06-09 15:57
2023-06-09 15:59
Perfect Money Account Types

When you register on Perfect Money, you have the option of selecting one of the following account types:


A new client who signs up on one of Perfect Money's website is offered a standard account. It has some cons, but overall it places no limitations whatsoever.


Users who have kept their accounts active for at least a year are eligible for premium accounts. You must contact customer service if you wish to upgrade your account from ordinary to premium. An additional perk of a premium account is a discount of 2% on all Perfect Money transactions.


Partner accounts are issued based on strong financial management. This account is for people who wish to improve the functionality of their websites for commercial transactions. These accounts are exclusively accessible to company owners that run their activities online. Having a partner account is an honor since it shows that you are reliable and trustworthy.